Thursday, August 11, 2011

Why does Yahoo not carry a web site, Specifically for emergency Charity Items that are needed to be donated.?

A Barnet cycling group at their local church, decided to raise funds and buy 27 bikes for the people of Mali in Africa. I have no doubt it was noble gesture, but I think the lions there will also thank the Barnet cyclists and the church for adding a new dimension of their new take away meals on wheels. The Press (Newspaper) states that unicef will actually now determine where the bikes will be sent, but my point of contention is that if there was actually a website that actually stated what 'items' were actually needed and where, all fund raisers could look at the web site to decide which country and items are needed and it would be easier for the fundraisers to know confirm and to trace say if the items did not arrive at their destinations.

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